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165 Chemin de Calumet Ouest
Clarendon, QC, J0X 2Y0


Lennie Gallant APRIL 13 7:30PM

Events Tickets

Lennie Gallant APRIL 13 7:30PM

Lennie Gallant.jpg
Lennie Gallant.jpg

Lennie Gallant APRIL 13 7:30PM


We require reservations for both the show and dinner.

Dinner before the show will start at 6pm, please arrive a bit before to get everyone seated & with drinks.

Please note that dinner & drinks will be charged night of - this is just a ticket purchase to reserve your spot.

Gallant truly is a master tunesmith. His lyrics and the melody lines that flow through them are beautifully interwoven and go straight for the heart almost every time.
- The Guardian

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