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165 Chemin de Calumet Ouest
Clarendon, QC, J0X 2Y0


The Tony D Band JUNE 28 7:30pm

Events Tickets

The Tony D Band JUNE 28 7:30pm

Tony D Guittaro.jpg
Tony D Guittaro.jpg

The Tony D Band JUNE 28 7:30pm


We require reservations for both the show and dinner.

Dinner before the show will start at 6pm, please arrive a bit before to get everyone seated & with drinks.

Please note that dinner & drinks will be charged night of - this is just a ticket purchase to reserve your spot.

Ottawa musician, Tony D began his musical journey learning guitar by studying any vinyl record he could get his hands on and by his late teens he was making a living in a band full time. Over his career he has recorded 7 indie solo albums as the Tony D Band. He has spent the last 15 years as the lead guitarist for the 2x Juno band MonkeyJunk. In November 2024 Tony released his first solo project in 20 years ,Electric Delta, on Cordova Bay Records. 

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